Dear Family,
As you noticed, I have decided to change my greeting on this letter and for all of the others because we are a family, a school family.  You, your children, our staff, administration, and teachers are all part of our school family. So from now on I will refer to all of you as “Dear Family”.
Yesterday, a couple hours after I sent home the information on the third grade student, I was notified of a 7th grade student that tested positive for COVID-19.  This particular 7th grader was already home doing online learning and we do not need to quarantine any additional classmates.
We were excited to welcome back Mrs. LaBay and her 5th grade students!  They did a wonderful job online!  I appreciate all of the parental support they received at home.  I saved a few popsicles for them from our school-wide popsicle break last week.  Although they certainly enjoyed them, unfortunately the weather didn’t cooperate as well as it did last week for the students to eat them outside.
Please continue to pray for our whole school family.  Have a good evening and try to stay dry!
God bless,