About hnc-admin

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So far hnc-admin has created 348 blog entries.

April 2021

April 16th – School Update

JMJ Dear Family, I do not have any COVID updates to report today. However, the boys basketball game for tonight has been cancelled due to a COVID case at North Central. Some of you may know that Pope Francis has dedicated this year to be “The Year of St. Joseph!" St. Joseph is my personal [...]

April 15 – School Update

JMJ Dear Family, We were informed today that an older sibling of one of our 7th grade students in Mrs. Prey’s homeroom class tested positive for COVID. Our student is not experiencing any symptoms and tested negative for COVID. There are no other quarantines required at this time. Have a nice evening and God bless, [...]

Correction to Today’s Update – April 14th

JMJ Dear Family, I just wanted to correct what I sent a few moments ago, the student is a 6th Grader in Mrs. Derkos' class not a seventh grader. My sincerest apologizes for the confusion. - Joe ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ JMJ Dear Family, Today, we were informed that a 6th grader in Mrs. Derkos’ homeroom and a [...]

April 14th – School Update

JMJ Dear Family, Today, we were informed that a 7th grader in Mrs. Derkos’ homeroom and a 2nd grader in Mrs. Bessonen’s room tested positive for COVID. They are siblings. Neither of the siblings were in the school yesterday or today. The 7th grader is on the 7th grade basketball team. Unfortunately the teammates on [...]

April 13th – School Update

JMJ Dear Family, A little sun can do a soul so much good! If you haven’t heard already, we will be hosting our first (and hopefully only) virtual Spring Fling this week! Although we would love to see everyone and celebrate together, we are not quite there yet. However, we always have to look at [...]

April 12th – School Update

JMJ Dear Family, I hope that all of you had a nice weekend. Although it was a dreary weekend, the highlight for me was to be at the baptism of my new Godchild, Evelyn Jean Carlson. This is my brother Tim’s second little girl. Over the weekend, I was informed that one of our parents [...]

April 8th – School Update

JMJ Dear Family, Today, we had a great time seeing the Holy Name class of 2017! They are such a wonderful group of young men and women. Please pray for them as they begin the next chapter of their lives. There are no COVID cases to report today. God bless, Joe 409 S. 22nd Street [...]