Dear Family,
I hope that all of you had a nice weekend. I still can’t believe that we don’t have any snow to play in! I’m not complaining, just surprised.
We had a special guest, St. Nicholas, visit our school yesterday on his feast day to deliver a little treat to the students! Be sure to ask your kids about it!
Today we handed out some awards from our First Annual St. Hubert’s Hunting Contest. We had eight submissions. The top three hunters were Mason Sierpien, Brooklyn Pendergraft and Jaeger Gartland. Honorable mentions included Haddie Mokszycke, Collin Bugay, Jacob Lawrence, Dusty Skerbeck and Tommy Carlson. Thank you to our Home and School Association for sponsoring this event! The top tree contestants were given a $25.00 Dunhams gift card and all the successful hunters were given blessed St. Hubert medals.
I have one new COVID case to report today. A parent and sibling of a couple of our students tested positive this morning for COVID. The students did not come to school today and are not showing any symptoms at this time. They are also going to be tested as a precaution. However, because they are not showing any symptoms at this point there would not be any quarantines necessary.
Today, I received some guidance from our local health department regarding the new changes that the CDC recommended last week. Michigan has decided to adopt the shortened quarantine time of a close contact with a positive case from 14 to 10 days. Close contacts still have to monitor themselves for any symptoms for the 14 days, they just don’t have to be quarantined the last four days.
The State of Michigan is not adopting the 7 day quarantine with a negative test at this time. Positive cases will still need to be quarantined the same 10 days. I know these quarantine times can be tricky to understand. If you have any questions or would like to bounce any scenarios off of me, please feel free to call me.
The State also postponed the re-start of middle school and high school athletics through December 20th.
Tomorrow is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Typically this is a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics to attend Mass. The obligation is lifted. However, as my pastor said this weekend, it is still a “Holy Day of opportunity”. One can still attend Mass or maybe pray a Rosary tomorrow as a family if you are not able to attend Mass. I always remind the kids to count 9 months from this date and you will see that we celebrate the birthday of Mary on September 8th. We have a tradition here of having cake on her birthday.
Have a nice evening!