Dear Family,

Although we came into school today with heavy hearts, it was nice for me to see all of the students and staff again. I have missed being with all of you in person these last two weeks. If you are reading this e-mail first, please see the one I sent a couple hours earlier. It will explain why we have heavy hearts today.
Today we welcomed back Mrs. Emily Lightfoot, Ms. Patti, Mrs. Cindy Johnson and many other students. We are all feeling great and happy to be back in school.
I have one new positive case to report today. This student is in Mrs. LaMarch’s RK class. Unfortunately, this means that we will need to extend this class’s quarantine through December 4th. The student in this class started showing symptoms on Friday, November 20th. We have to assume that they were contagious 48 hours prior to symptoms showing. Mrs. LaMarch and her class will be able to return to school on Monday, December 7th. Originally, they were scheduled to come back tomorrow.
In addition to Mrs. LaMarch’s class, this quarantine also affects Ms. Wery’s class because they did a couple activities with Mrs. LaMarch’s class on Thursday, November 19th. Ms. Wery and her class will be able to return to learn this Friday, December 4th.
There are a few students that will still be allowed to come back to school tomorrow because they were absent either the three days that the student was in the class or because they were not there on the day the classes were combined. I have already called these families to let them know that they can still come back tomorrow.
For the few students that this quarantine does not effect, either Mrs. Cindy Johnson or Ms. Patti LaCrosse will be subbing in the classroom until the teachers return.
Moving forward, Mrs. LaMarch’s and Ms. Wery’s classes will not be doing indoor activities together so we can hopefully avoid both classes being required to be quarantined should we have another positive case in the future.
I am not aware of any other students that are experiencing symptoms at this time. The classmate that tested positive is feeling great. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. Thank you for your continued support this year. I understand what a challenge this is to you and your families.
Have a good evening and remember to hug your kids every night.
God bless,