Dear Family,
It is a blessing to be school this week!  I pray that everyone had a nice weekend.  There were no new student cases to report over the weekend or today.  However Mrs. McNamee, our kindergarten teacher, was notified that she was a close contact and will be required to be quarantined.  None of the students are considered close/direct contacts and do not have to be quarantined.  We are waiting to hear back from the health department to confirm her official date of return.  Mrs. McNamee is feeling fine and not showing symptoms.
There was a lot of news on Friday in regards to our State of Michigan.  I sent an email after school that stated everything was good at school for the day.  After I sent that email, the Upper Peninsula was moved down to a level 4 in the MI Safe Start Plan, so I sent another letter stating that we will be required to wear masks in Kindergarten-8th grade.  Shortly after that, the Michigan Supreme Court Ruled that the Executive Orders that the governor made after the first 28 days of the State of Emergency were against the Michigan Constitution.  I chose not to send another email and to let the dust settle a little bit.  :)
We are waiting on a clear direction from the Michigan Catholic Conference as to what this means for our school.  Right now I have been advised to follow the executive orders for the time being.  Again, I know that the masks are an inconvenience.  We have worked very hard to get the student’s separated by 6ft, so they would not have to wear them in the classrooms.  I would ask for your patience as we wait to hear what this means for our school.  I’m hoping that this is clarified over the next few days. As soon as I know, I will communicate this with all of you.
Thank you for your continued prayers, patience, and support.
God bless,